The vision of an Alpha Kappa Alpha chapter in Pine Bluff, Arkansas emerged in the minds of several Alpha Kappa Alpha women who were residents of Pine Bluff in 1947. This group of ladies began meeting informally to explore the possibilities of chartering a chapter. These organizing ladies were initiated in numerous chapters across the country and brought various perspectives on the organization and operation of a graduate chapter. However, their overwhelming desire was to charter a graduate chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha, Sorority, Incorporated in Pine Bluff.
Ozaana Vinyard Roberts had a close association with the Supreme Basileus at that time, Arnetta Wallace; they had been neighbors in their hometown of Knoxville, Tennessee. Through Ozaana Roberts, the ladies were guided and directed by Arnetta Wallace on the path to chapter establishment. The nine Alpha Kappa Alpha women who comprised this nucleus of interested ladies included Alma Brown Baeza (Zeta Chapter, Wilberforce, OH); Sarah Dymple Burnett, (Zeta Chapter, Wilberforce, OH); Ruth Burns (Alpha Tau Chapter, Tyler, TX); Gussye Dickey (Beta Pi Chapter, Montgomery, AL); Mary Curry Harris (Pi Chapter, Nashville, TN); Evelyn Johnson (Omicron Chapter, Cincinnati, OH); Jane Lovelace (Beta Delta Omega Chapter, Jackson, MS); Ozanna Vineyard Roberts (Alpha Pi Omega chapter, Knoxville, TN); and Hattie Watson (Kappa Omega Chapter, Atlanta, GA). These ladies pursued the dream of an Alpha Kappa Alpha chapter in Pine Bluff with vigor and enthusiasm. However, they were only nine in number and the requirement for chapter establishment was ten ladies. Though disappointed, they never wavered in their pursuit of a chapter and in the fall of 1948, Irma Glasco (an initiate of Alpha Psi Chapter, Nashville, Tennessee) transferred from Tennessee A&I College to Arkansas AM&N College and was allowed to fulfill the requirement of ten ladies. Thus on December 11, 1948, Delta Omega Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority was chartered by the 14th Supreme Basileus of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority and became a reality in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. This newly chartered chapter quickly organized for the work of Alpha Kappa Alpha in the Pine Bluff community. This legacy of community service continues to guide the work of Delta Omega Omega.