MembershipThank you for your interest regarding membership in Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Delta Omega Omega. Candidacy for membership into Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated graduate chapters is open to women of high ethical and scholastic standards who have completed courses leading to a degree from an accredited college or university. Graduate Membership is by invitation only. For more information please reference the membership section of the National Website. For additional questions and concerns please visit the national website at
Reactivation and VisitingWelcome! Delta Omega Omega Chapter extends warm greetings to our inactive and/or visiting sorors! Sorors who are interested in reactivation with Delta Omega Omega can contact our membership chair by filling out the contact form provided. She will contact you with information about meeting schedules, fees, and proof of membership. Visting sorors if you are in the area, we encourage you to join us. Our meetings are generally held the first Saturday of each month at 10:00 a.m. Please be prepared to show your AKA membership card and valid picture identification. For additional questions and concerns please complete the contact form.
TransfersIf you are looking for a graduate chapter home, we invite you to consider Delta Omega Omega! Transfer requires:
1. Clearance from your former chapter, 2. Clearance from the corporate office, if you are a General Member, 3. Or a Transfer Verification Form for inactive members. Click here to download a Transfer Verification Form. For more information please complete the contact form. |